Lonely Birch
Cold Frames

Cold Frame Enquiries:

Cold Frames Gallery

Page Last Updated:   March 17, 2023                    By:   Rudy Racek

COLD FRAMES           DESIGN           BRACING           BASES           INTERESTED?           UPDATES


It's important to state that this is going to be my first year employing cold frames in my garden. They are ultimately just a tool that will hopefully help me grow some delicious and healthy produce for the family. As I gain more experience, this website will be updated with new information as it comes to light. I plan to have fun with this little experiment and I am willing to learn along the way.

If you have ever used cold frames of any design, I'd love to hear about your experiences and/or techniques that you would like to share. Information that I personally find useful will be posted in the UPDATES section of this website. I'm also very interested to find out how cold frames are used specifically in Planting Zone 4B.

If this design is successful and there is enough interest, I would certainly shift gears and produce more of these units. At this time I am planning on producing several more of these cold frames for my garden for next year. With some planning I could certainly produce extras to sell.

Should you wish to enquire in any way about my cold frames feel free to email me at rudy@lonelybirch.com

I look forward to hearing from you.
